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  • fidec

Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan

1 Development of high-grade oil palm stem plywood for building construction
2 Pilot scale feasibility study for the production of wood plastic composite (WPC) pellet from sawdust for furniture and automotive industries
3 Development of palm-lumber: A pilot scale study
4 Development of method and technique in enhancing the rate of drying of oil palm trunk veneer
5 Research and development for hybrid  technique of moulded furniture components using laminated veneer oil palm trunk (LVOP)
6 Development of  Woodwool as Integrated Structural Members Formwork
7 Research On The National Competitiveness Study on Biocomposite Industry
8 Pengekstrakan Tannin Daripada Kulit Acacia Mangium Untuk Penghasilan Bioperekat Dan Produk Biokimia Bernilai Tambah
9 Projek Pembangunan Produk Papan Lapis Daripada Batang Kelapa Sawit Berkualiti Tinggi Untuk Pasaran Eksport
10 Projek Pembangunan Produk Gergaji Daripada Batang Kelapa Sawit (Oil Palm Wood)

Last Updated: 28 September 2020